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Selon une récente étude de WEB BUSINESS ANALYTICS, la première plateforme intelligente et automatisée en ligne, l’Europe rate les nombreuses opportunités économiques que génèrent l’Internet et les nouveaux médias, faute de ressources humaines adéquates. Avec une véritable stratégie à l’échelle du continent, les pouvoirs publics pourraient ainsi créer 1,8 million d’emplois en quelques années.

Bruxelles, le, 26 June 2014 -- Afin de parvenir à ces conclusions, WEB BUSINESS ANALYTICS a premièrement passé plus de 42 pays européens au crible en 2014 dans le but de calculer le pourcentage d’entreprises disposant d’un site web. Les concentrations les plus élevées se trouvent en Allemagne (64%), en Belgique (61%), au Luxembourg (57%) et au Royaume-Uni (57%).

Lorsqu’on examine plus spécifiquement les entreprises dotées de plus de 5 employés ou de plus de 10 ouvriers, le potentiel économique s’avère à la fois immense et inexploité dans un vivier riche de 1.081.954 sociétés réparties dans l’ensemble de l’Europe. « Ce sont précisément ces entreprises qui doivent dès maintenant investir dans les nouveaux médias afin de doper leur activité », souligne William Vande Wiele, CEO de WEB BUSINESS ANALYTICS. « Si ces entreprises décident de recourir à une agence, elles devront faire face à des coûts exorbitants. C’est pourquoi, la grande majorité a tout intérêt à recruter un Website Manager maîtrisant le marketing interactif et capable de les aider à développer leur business Internet sur le long terme et de manière suivie. »

Parallèlement, WEB BUSINESS ANALYTICS a recensé les entreprises européennes disposant d’un site e-commerce. Ici également, il existe un gisement d’emplois significatif pour l’économie européenne, la plupart de ces sociétés employant moins de 5 personnes. « En outre, le taux d’entreprises actives dans l’e-commerce est faible dans les 42 pays d’Europe que nous avons étudiés, puisqu’il varie systématiquement entre 1 et 7% », commente William Vande Wiele.

WEB BUSINESS ANALYTICS a ainsi identifié quelque 671.404 entreprises pourvues d’une vitrine transactionnelle et en mesure, dès demain, de générer de nouveaux emplois afin de booster l’économie. Au final, l’investissement de ces entreprises dans des spécialistes de l’Internet ainsi que l’intégration du numérique dans le système éducatif permettraient une dynamisation de l’e-commerce qui profiterait à tous les emplois IT collatéraux. NeelieKroes, vice-présidente de la Commission européenne, parle même de la création de 3,8 millions de postes sur le long terme.

Pour William Vande Wiele, il y a urgence à stimuler l’adoption des nouveaux médias dans le chef des entreprises européennes. « Le potentiel est là, les concurrents économiques de l’Union européenne y investissent massivement et nos décideurs politiques restent dramatiquement passifs. Il est fondamental de faire du numérique une véritable priorité du système éducatif. La Commission européenne incite les États membres à emprunter cette voie mais il reste beaucoup à construire pour que l’Europe puisse rattraper son retard. Le numérique sera une des clés qui permettront à nos économies de sortir de la crise. Ilest temps de passer à l’action. »

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It is usually the joy of every woman to know how to read a man and influence him. That is why Mark Scott in his book how to read a man PDF explained hidden secrets that puts every woman ahead of her man.

Investigation by just because it works review team shows that how to read a man manual reviews is the most widely accepted eBook by women that is why it is rated the number 1 product in the clickbank dating market place.

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How to read a man PDF is a step by step guide that reveals to any woman exactly how to sneak into a man’s mind and control his thoughts. It reveals a weird yet disgustingly effective formula to make a man do almost anything a woman wants.


According to women interviewed, the book has three major sections titled how men operate, what respect means to men and what to do when he withdraws from the relationship. Clear understanding of these three sections will give any woman the edge required to trigger the psychological hot button of any man and make him fall in love no matter how hard he proves to be.

How to read a man and influence him by Mark Scott was designed for both women that are in relationship but fail to get control of their men and women that are interested in a man but lack the advanced seduction skills required to win hm.

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The only complain made by the end users of how to read a man like book pfd is that they had to print it out after downloading, which cost them some extra dollars. This means that the book cannot be found in hard copy.

Above all, testimonials from women around the globe shows that mark Scott in his book how to read a man and influence him has what it takes to make any man bow before a woman begging to be loved.

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Just because it works review team is known for helping the public avoid the trap of scammers by bringing to them only tested products review from end users.

Text your ex back by Michael Fiore was claimed to be the best guide on how to get your ex back without crying, begging or pleading to have him or her back. Little wonder text your ex back PDF is rated number in the clickbank market place.

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Just because it works review team is known for helping the public avoid the trap of scammers by bringing to them only tested products review from end users.

Is beyond fit life guide the best program for weight loss after baby? Who is Fit moms for life program meant for? How can a woman lose belly fat after pregnancy?

Research by world medical group shows that on average every woman adds up to 20 pounds after birth and this value increases with increase in the number of time a woman conceives.

Therefore, to make sure that women lose weight after pregnancy, burn fat and remain sexy and attractive, Mike Ogon designed the program called beyond fit life, alternatively called fit moms for life.

Losing belly fat after baby or losing belly fat after pregnancy has never been easy. Therefore, beyond fit life program reveals the detail step by step guide on how to engage in weight loss after baby without any health implication on both the mom and baby.

Fit moms for live review was designed for women so that they can maintain the stature that will always make their men want them even if they have giving birth to five babies.

The fat loss program and nutrition guide provided in the beyond fit life member is tested and proved efficient way of losing belly fat after pregnancy that is why the rate of demand of being a member is on the increase.


Though, the program has been proved to be very efficient, that does not mean that it is without drawback. Most women or members of the beyond fit programs complained that the exercises and nutrition guide for losing belly fat after pregnancy found in the program are not so easy as claimed by the author.

Some of the women said that they could only continue with the program due to how fast the result was, if not they would have cancelled their membership. Therefore the beyond fit program is not meant for lazy moms rather it was designed for serious minded moms that really want to lose belly fat after pregnancy.

In order words, women should be ready to work it out in order to enjoy the cost of being a member of beyond fit life or fit moms for life program.

Testimonials from women around the globe were so encouraging that any women that want to lose back fat after pregnancy or want to lose belly fat after pregnancy should not sit on the fence rather join the program now before the membership slot is shot against the public.

Due to how reliable fit moms for life review is, the author promised full refund after eight weeks if the program does not work. This means that beyond fit for life program is not scam. It will either work or the buyer gets full refund.

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South Florida, 25 June 2014 -- Coach Kamille, South Florida’s Amazon Author, former fatty turned leading Medical Weight Loss Coach and Certified Personal Trainer is now expanding and taking private clients.

Kamille Dawn Tirzah, MS., CPT, NSC has worked with physicians and medical professionals, educational institutions, schools and corporations is starting her own private medically based weight loss and personal training company.

Once topping the scales at over 240 pounds, she lost over one hundred pounds was featured on the cover of People Magazine, interviewed by Robin Roberts of Good Morning America and highlighted on Entertainment Tonight in May of 2007.

She is the author of Fat Chick to Cover Model, featured on Amazon Kindle, and soon will be releasing her second book.

Kamille is now offering individual and group weight loss, nutrition counseling, in home personal training and wellness coaching programs. Kamille knows how important it is to work with a professional that has medical knowledge and has been through the pain of being on medication and trying to lose weight alone. She knows how devastating it is to feel like there is no hope and no one understands how much you are suffering being trapped inside an unhealthy and unattractive body. That is the passion behind her drive to start her own private weight loss company.

Based on her client’s stellar results, her program is designed to help others:

  • Determine the best protocol for your total body transformation.
  • Work with you and your physician to help you develop the absolute best program for your body type and medical history.
  • Get customized lifestyle eating plans that taste great.
  • Individualized fitness programs for safe and fast fat loss.
  • Feel good knowing their nutrition coaching is designed by a professional with medical weight loss experience under the guidance of a supervising physician.

For those with hectic lifestyles, there is an online virtual coaching program Kamille offers that’s easy and convenient.

Kamille has advanced degrees in education and behavior science and is certified in personal training, weight loss coaching and nutrition. From kids to adults, doctors to celebrities, Kamille has helped hundreds of people lose weight, get fit, and take charge of their bodies, their health and their lives.

To book interviews visit or email:

Kamille can be reached by emailing her at:

Ever since you were a little kid, everybody’s been telling you to live your dreams and to follow your heart. But what does that really mean, how does that connect to reality and how do you practically do that? How do you keep following your heart when it seems most difficult to do so and how do you persist in trusting your heart when the entire world seems to be doing the exact opposite? You’re probably tired of hearing motivational messages and pieces of advice without any connection to reality, especially when they come with very little practical advice.

But what if some incredible people told you exactly why you have to live your dreams, and then they told you how to do it? Would you believe NASA legends, astronauts, and visionaries from Stanford University who explored space, Grammy-award winning rock stars and paradigm-changing entrepreneurs? Would you listen to their message and then follow their guidance?

In the new movie THE AMAZING YOU, the people who literally took humanity up into space and inspired entire generations with their work share with you the new models for creating authentic, long-lasting success in your life. As you take this first step in the direction of your highest purpose in life, you can only walk forward, never backward.

Hosted by Success Engineering Corporation - - this revolutionary new film invites you to take a breathtaking journey of inner exploration to discover the most amazing you and head in the direction of your highest vision in life.

For the first time, The Amazing You unites the world’s greatest minds to reveal the blueprint for success and guide you to build a new vision for a greater future. This playground of stars includes the Angry Birds, NASA legends who put man on the moon, visionaries who landed robots on Mars, rock stars who inspired generations with their music and entrepreneurs who changed social paradigms with their business savvy.

Today, we are in an evolutionary process, in an era of high-speed transformation and most of us struggle to find more meaning in our lives. Filled with doubts and anxiety about what tomorrow will bring, we try but most of the times we fail to honestly answer these questions: Who am I? Am I the one that I really want to be? What’s my purpose in life? How can I be happy? Is there more to life than the daily routine we find ourselves trapped in?

You are welcome to join us on this journey, to discover your life’s amazing purpose and to find out new ways of making it a reality. This journey allowed the mind of man to expand beyond its frontiers and literally reach the stars, this information allowed us to travel beyond our planet, to shatter the paradigms of our false limits as people and to build the vision for a greater future. And now, this information will be in your hands.


* Peter Vesterbacka – Founder of Rovio, the producers of ANGRY BIRDS
* Dr. Robert Richards - Co-founder Singularity University, CEO Moon Express / X-PRIZE
* Steve VAI, Grammy award winning musician
* Gregg Braden - NY Times best selling author
* Dr. Charles Pellerin - NASA director, Charlie led the team that built Hubble Space Telescope
* Dr. Scott Hubbard - NASA MARS Program Director
* Dr. Ed Hoffman - NASA Chief Knowledge Officer


'What a great deal of excellent work and thought!'

- Prof. Scott Hubbard, Stanford University & NASA MARS Program Director

'I LOVE IT! Your film will open the hearts and minds of many people to the world of amazing possibilities that await them'

- Dr. Robert Richards, Award Winning Entrepreneur, Founder of International Space University & Singularity University

'Absolutely beautiful and awe-inspiring! This movie reveals timely knowledge from amazing people, wisdom that is fundamental for your success'

- Haritina Mogosanu, Spacehead & Starryteller,


The movie is a gift to you and the world, offered by Dragos, the president of Success Engineering Corporation. Discover The Amazing You FREE at:


YouTube Official Trailer:

  • The film is now available in Spanish
  • Coming soon: Portuguese, French, German, Finish, Icelandic, Slovenian, Turkish, Japanese, Romanian, Montenegrin,

For any questions, ideas and feedback you can reach us at:


Success Engineering Corporation is a global provider of social risk management solutions for organizations. Our portfolio of services proudly includes the 4-D System, NASA's team performance and social risk management program. For the last decade, the 4-D System has boosted performance in over 2000 NASA project teams - engineering teams and management teams - including NASA’s most complex systems, the Space Shuttle, the International Space Station and the new Space Launch System designed to take humans back to the moon and then to Mars. Used by organizations in 75 countries, the 4-D system has been shown to improve project and programme delivery and is especially useful for large scale or multiple projects and mission critical environments.

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