Reprogram pre-birth patterns to eliminate self-sabotage, raise self-confidence and create abundance and flow

This program will help people to heal patterns that are ruining their lives, career, and relationships and start living in the flow abundance of self-acceptance.They will understand their flaws that they considered being "just their nature" and easily reprogram them.People will stop beating themselves up for not being organized or disciplined enough, for not being motivated enough, not being flexible enough, and will at last just go for it.
I was working on a vital personal goal and every time I wanted to start; I will get sleepy and lose interest. During the session, Eugenia asked me to connect with the goal; I felt a crushing pain in my chest and legs that had not been there before, and as she continued the energy, the pain disappeared. Then she asked me to connect to the ancestral family, and all I saw was a big hairy monster that didn’t allow me to see anything else. Within seconds of Eugenia's energy transmission, the monster simply vanished.This was an incredibly powerful process, and I remember telling Eugenia that she is truly gifted in clearing stubbornblocks, and the world can benefit so much from her work. If you want to dissolve what is blocking you for good, you must experience this light worker's work.You will be amazed,” said EramSaeed, Host & Founder of Global TeleSummit Series.
Eugenia Sverbikhina is an energy healer, EFTMasterPractitioner, RPT Processor, Certified Hypnotherapist and creator of Ignite Yourself Process. Eugenia’s mission is to reprogram pre-birth patterns to eliminate self-sabotage, raise self-confidence and create abundance and flow. The website contains additional information.
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