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Verso le elezioni europee, solo una battaglia civica per la convocazione di un'?Assemblea Costituente?, che scriva una Costituzione democratica e federale per l’Europa, può salvare il “Vecchio Continente” dal suo definitivo tramonto.

Grande consonanza di temi si è avuta all’appuntamento di venerdì 18 gennaio a cui hanno partecipato ?Elly Schlein?, Parlamentare europea di Possibile (e relatrice per il gruppo dei Socialisti e Democratici della riforma del regolamento di Dublino), ?Michele Fiorillo Coordinamento nazionale DiEM25/European Spring?, responsabile programma, ?Arturo Lorenzoni?, Vicesindaco di Padova, Enrico Ferri?, giornalista, esponente della sezione veneta di Articolo 21.

Il grande successo di pubblico esorta a continuare la battaglia. Venerdì 10 maggio alle 20:30 il Circolo Arci Asioli (corso Garibaldi, 280), ospiterà l'iniziativa ?Primavera Europea Forlì?, che il comitato locale di "èViva" ha organizzato insieme al ?Dsc di Forlì di Diem25?.Saranno presenti il Senatore Francesco Laforgia (portavoce nazionale di è"Viva"), Luca Pastorino?, deputato di èViva, ?Andrea Serra di Diem25 Italia e ?Silvia Prodi?, candidata capolista de La Sinistra alle Europee e tra i fondatori di "èViva". Porterà un saluto il candidato sindaco de "L'Alternativa per Forlì" Veronica San Vicente e saranno presenti diversi candidati e candidate della lista.

Dopo il momento fondativo del 13 aprile scorso a Firenze, si è costituito anche a ?Forlì il comitato promotore di "èViva"?,che lancerà a breve una campagna di adesioni. Si tratta di un movimento politico (che nasce dall'esperienza dei comitati di "Liberi e Uguali") e nel solco di quel percorso intende lavorare all'unità della sinistra. Con Diem25, è partner ufficiale di "Primavera Europea" il movimento transnazionale guidato da ?Yanis Varoufakis che porta avanti il progetto di un Green New Deal per l'Italia e l'Europa.

Contribuisci a DiEM25 Italia, movimento per la democrazia in Europa. Abbiamo bisogno del tuo aiuto per realizzare tutto questo. DiEM25 non ottiene fondi pubblici o contributi pubblici di nessun tipo (dipendiamo esclusivamente dal sostegno finanziario dei nostri membri). Anche con una piccola somma, il tuo sostegno ci porterà lontano. Invia un piccolo contributo per supportarci in questa battaglia: ?PayPal -

Press contact: ? 347/0347403 Forlì, 30 aprile 2019

Dr. Sheryene Tejeda of Medicinal Technologies becomes the first doctor to develop a cure for Endometriosis. This biomedical breakthrough will improve the quality of lives for millions of women around the world.

Altamonte springs, Florida, March 31, 2020 -- Bio medicine advancement took a huge leap forward as Dr. Sheryene Tejeda, owner of Medicinal Technologies, achieved an unprecedented feat as she successfully developed the first known cure for Endometriosis. Endometriosis is a serious medical condition that plagues millions of women all over the world and until now has proven unresponsive to treatment. Dr. Tejeda accomplished this tremendous achievement in the form of Endogen, a three part therapeutic matrix that includes addressing the psycho-neuro, bio-physical and bio-chemical aspects of an individual to attain healing.

Until now, Endometriosis has been resistant to modern medicine despite the many efforts of medical practitioners to treat it through hormone therapies, surgery and other means. However, thanks to extensive researches and her unwavering determination to improve the lives of women suffering from Endometriosis, Dr. Sheryene Tejeda has become the first minority female to find a bio medicinal cure for what was deemed an incurable condition.

Without proper knowledge of the devastating effects of Endometriosis on the female anatomy, it can be difficult to fully appreciate the magnitude of this discovery. Endometriosis is a disorder that develops due to the unnatural growth of endometrial cells. These cells are supposed to grow only within the uterus.
However, certain abnormalities that also cause unstable hormone levels contribute to the development and progression of Endometriosis. The growth of these endometrial implants causes scarring, inflammation and adhesions that often leads to debilitating pain, compromised fertility and a host of other medical conditions.
The cells can appear on the outer lining of the uterus, the fallopian tubes and anywhere in the pelvic as well as migrating to the lower back region, the intestines, lungs, and even the brain can be affected. Endometriosis can also cause dangerously heavy menstruations that may lead to the need for blood transfusions.
Many severe cases cause infertility. A lack in diagnoses persists as non medical individuals tend to confuse this with other common PMS issues and don’t seek professional care. The reality is, endometriosis is a far serious medical condition that should not be overlooked.

The discovery of Endogen has been a game changer. The product will be available to consumers this year. Endogen when taken as part of a 3-protocol has been proven to resolve Endometriosis and in some cases restore fertility. The vegetable-based capsules are Non GMO and contain all natural ingredients. This 3-part matrix recognizes the self-healing process in the body by identifying, reversing, and thus treating the causes of the condition without it reoccurring. In doing so, women are alleviated of the symptoms of Endometriosis, and it’s negative effect on menstrual cycle as hormonal balance is ultimately restored. The natural ingredients present in the supplement also provides enough vitamins and trace minerals that are necessary for normal menstrual flow.

The natural ingredients in Endogen are effective at treating the biological cause of the disorder. “To date, I am pleased beyond my expectations with Endogen. My cycles are so much better and the pain has gone completely. I am thrilled to be able to say that my endometriosis has been cured” – Maria.
This is the miracle the affected population have been praying for. The efforts exerted by Dr. Sheryene Tejeda will change the lives of women worldwide. While she is incredibly proud of her achievements, she is not resting on her laurels as she has her sight set on offering recommended treatments and biomedical equipment for a host of other medical conditions. Dr. Sheryene Tejeda is a woman with a vision and a doctor on a mission to conquer the impossible because she lives by her own motto, “Giving up is not an option!”.

More information available at:

Media Contact:
Medicinal Technologies

Don't panic, avoid stress! The most important thing for prevention, infection and for the cure of mad viruses is a strong immune system! Daily movement in nature, park, forest, circulation, fresh air, preventive sweating, cold shower, hot bath is the best for health and to strengthen the immune system! Preventive also helps mindfulness among themselves, friendly exchange at a distance. Food such as pomegranate, ginger, garlic, coconut oil, sea buckthorn, licorice help prevent viruses, etc. Important! Vitamin B6 is good for the formation of immune messengers, vitamin E for immune cells and against free radicals. Selenium and / or zinc is also good for strengthening the immune system, contained in cashew nuts, fish, pumpkin seeds, almonds, poppy seeds and sesame. Sauerkraut, kefir, kimchi and miso contain the important probiotics, which can also strengthen the immune system. In principle, more is not necessary, one or two of the below mentioned foods is sufficient. Everyone should know what strengthens and can strengthen the immune system. Garlic and licorice are probably the strongest blockers against harmful bacteria and viruses!

Here are two 5 points for the prevention and alleviation of the symptoms of infection. In principle, one of the healthy foods is sufficient for strengthening the immune system and reducing viruses. A balanced and varied diet with the foods listed can prevent or reduce almost any bacterial and viral infection.

- Broccoli, garlic! Cabbage, sage, sauerkraut, licorice!
- Green tea (3x daily), honey with garlic, coconut oil, turmeric,..
- Hemp oil, linseed oil, organic sunflowers and / or walnut oil, caraway seeds, oregano
- Pomegranate! Ginger, red pepper, rice, sea buckthorn ! Sweet potatoes
- Sunflower seeds, kefir, kimchi, miso probiotics +

With 1-2 of the respective food classes, immune preparations are not really necessary. Mineral and vitamin depots are ok. Some of the above-mentioned agents for prevention are also effective when infected, since a strong immune system is primarily required for fast healing. Cayenne and chilli can also help, but not everyone can tolerate sharpness.

Here are more important information how to reduce Corona and even to stop the virus.

The official tips like desinfection, washing hands, etc. are for the most people clear, here are some advanced methods and better solutions who could really help - for prevention and even to cure!

1. Drinking of healing water, healthy food and strengthening of the immune system, weekly mineral and vitamine depots - official health authorities should share M&V depots.

2. All 1-3 days garlic, it can cover the skin with a protection layer, it can be good to prevent harmful bakteria and viruses! Same for breath and water cycle, garlic has the potential to reduce many viruses.

3. Very important is to think about UV-C light and to use it also on a larger scale, especially for courier, postal offices – for example in main letter sharing centres - food and other delivery services - think about pizza delivery services!

There are even some portable UV-C devices in development and production, so the prices going down to a few Euros! Public hotspots and most touched layers in banks, buses, libraries, hospitals, stores, trains, trams, universities could get such 'medical' UVC lights – portable and stationary!

4. There is an adaptogenic healing tea like Ginseng, it can reduce damage and suffering for infected people, it even has the potential to cure the desease completely!

5. Some weeks ago a tree was found who has the most effective substance, first medical test have shown that it can reduce 80 percent or more of the virus in the body. The bad news is, this tree is very endangered and only aviable in a few regions, like in Indonesia. Indust. synthetisation will maybe possible in approx 4-6 months.

If you want to know more details, you can contact anytime by eMail or other official channels. Your friend of nature. More news and usefull tips will follow

Please forward and share the important information.

Finally some good news for small business owners suffering from this current health crisis. All In One Web LLC, a text marketing company based in Massachusetts, is offering free services across the USA to small businesses and small business owners affected by the coronavirus pandemic.

It's called the:

Coronavirus No-Cost Small Business Assistance Program

During this difficult time for businesses in the United States, many establishments may end up closing for good if the coronavirus pandemic lasts too long. This could have a devastating long term effect on many local families who own businesses. We’d like to help avoid that from happening.

Any company that is still open or is offering takeout or delivery services can use the customer retention text marketing program created by All In One Web LLC for no cost for up to 60 days to assist in getting through this crisis.  This comes with no contracts or obligations, we would love to help small businesses to make it through this challenge we are all facing.

For more information please visit our website at

Or feel free to contact Rick Miller: Call or Text 508-277-5557 or email

March 23, 2020 - The entertainment industry is a dynamic world where you can earn money by showcasing your talent online. Now that you can avail of the online forums and brilliant platforms, you can easily make music independently sitting at home and posting them. The recent outbreak of the Corona Virus is taking a toll on the morale of people. In this dreadful time, musicians like Wayne Dreadksi are providing hope and confidence to the people of the world with his music. He is also earning a decent amount of money without going outside and risking his life.

The independence an artist can enjoy with the aid of the best online portals for music is a blessing. You can now produce your own piece of art and entertain your fans. While staying at home and maintaining social distance as directed by the WHO, you can focus totally on your art. Create music and follow the footsteps of Wayne Dreadski. He is currently enjoying a good royalty over its new album named ‘Travel Addict’. According to the expert independent musician, here is a list of brilliant ways to create music and make money online.

Post music on iTunes, Google Play, AmazonMP3, etc and get paid for every download.

Stream your music and generate revenue from Apple Music, Spotify, etc.

Follow the news on Facebook and generate revenue via selling music on this social media platform.

Seek performance royalties from radio, TV channels, etc.

Use YouTube to open a channel and share your music to earn money.

You can also seek crowd-funding from Patreon and other amazing online platforms. Make thematic music sitting at home based on common topics like travel, love, etc. get intuitive and find your inspirations. Learn Making money with your music and follow the footsteps of Wayne Dreadski to become famous and earn money when the entire world is quarantined due to this epidemic.

Get more information, please visit

Media Contact:
Ms. Freddy Thurman
110 McClain Lane
Atlanta GA 30315
404 438 7638

Teltabit announced the launch of miners with the highest hash rate, low power consumption and most profitability miners that will bring anyone who believes in making more money to invest in the cryptocurrency revolution.

Teltabit Incorporation launches four(4) new high-quality cryptocurrency miners with the highest returns on investment in the cryptocurrency global market. Due to innovative technology, the company has successfully reduced the power consumption of miner hardware with up to 20% lesser than any in the market, and at the same time improved hash rate with up to 60%.

We present to you revolutionary miners, which solves the biggest issue in crypto mining;
-TeltaMulti T1.5:Bitcoin 23Th/s, Ethereum 40.2 MH/s, Monero 900h/s; GRIN 3.9 GPS,Zcash sols/s with low electricity consumption of 350W
-Teltabit T10:90TH/s,1000W
-Teltabit T15: 145TH/s,1500W
-Teltabit T20: 198TH/s, 2000W

"Our team of scientists has been making tests and working hard for the last 3 years on this innovative technology".

Cryptocurrencies holds long-term promise, the innovations promote a faster, more secure and more efficient wealth creation"- Mason Burrows (CEO).

Teltabit is an experienced cryptocurrency miner manufacturing company with the best top-notch customer service. Founded in 2017. Teltabit has research and manufacturing centers in Tokyo Japan. Headquarters in Limburg, Netherlands.

With our professionalism, sincerity, and efforts, we have gained trust and support from customers worldwide.


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