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Obesity has lately become one of the leading problems in the world. It is estimated that 1 person in 10 worldwide has obesity problems. The causes of obesity are not just over-eating and laziness; there are other factors which can make someone over-weight. However, whatever the causes, obesity can lead to serious problems: diabetes, osteoarthritis, high blood pressure, heart disease, stroke and cancer. This is why, if you are having problems with obesity, you should look for a solution in the form of an obesity or bariatric surgery.

When looking for a bariatric surgery, you have two options:

-Find local surgeons– Finding a surgeon locally is a good thing if a bariatric surgery is covered by your medical insurance. This means that you will not have to pay anything (or almost nothing), while also not having to travel for the operation.

-Find surgeons abroad– On the other hand, if the surgery is not covered by insurance (as they mostly aren’t, except in extreme cases), its cost can be quite high, depending on the country you live in. Bariatric and obesity surgeries costs differ in different countries, so it is quite possible to find a deal abroad which is cheaper than your local deal.

Whatever the case, whether you choose to go locally or abroad, you have to be able to choose the best surgery option available by making an informed decision. This is important, because the outcome of the surgery will affect your health in many ways, so you have to make sure that your health has actually improved, instead of being harmed.

How to make an informed decision?

With the amount of misinformation everywhere today, making informed decisions has become more important than ever. This is especially true when you have to put your trust in someone who will perform a surgical procedure on you. The best route to an informed decision is through thorough research and comparison. In this case, that means going through various medical centers across the world which offer the procedures you need, finding as much information about them as possible, and then comparing them against one another.

What to look for when researching medical centers?

  • Qualifications and experience – The first thing that you ought to check about a clinic and its surgeons is how qualified they are to do the surgery that you need. Take a look at the certificates they have listed, which school they have finished and whether they have been a part of any symposium on the subject. A doctor who frequently visits conferences is a doctor who cares about his practice enough to stay up to date. You should also note for how many years the doctor has been performing these procedures.
  • Pricing and inclusions – If you are going to a foreign country, it is vital that you do not run out of money while you are there. Most of the clinics which facilitate medical tourism have pretty clear pricing information. Find out what is included in the treatment price, whether there are some optional parts, whether the transportation in the city itself is covered, etc. All of this will help you know how much money you will actually spend once you are there, and save you from the stress of surprise costs.
  • Check the facilities – The state of the facilities in a clinic can be a good sign of the quality of service you will get there (although not always). You should always look to find pictures and videos of the facilities and, if possible, have a live talk with the doctor who would perform the surgery. If you are, at any point, dissatisfied with the answers the doctor provides, feel free to move on to your next choice.

Questions to ask before booking

Is the surgeon certified by the relevant board to perform obesity/bariatric surgery? – Not all bariatric surgeons have certificates, which is why it is very important to ask this. Certificate means that the surgeon has undergone training and has experience in this medical field.

How much will the treatment package cost me? – The cost of the package will depend on many things, notably on the experience of the surgeon, fees for the surgical room, stay at the hospital, and the surgery method. Don’t always go for the cheapest, as, in some cases, this can mean that something is omitted from the package.

How much will other expenses, like travel and stay, cost me? – If you are travelling, this is especially important. Getting stranded abroad with no money can be quite a problem, especially if you are recovering from a surgery.

Where will the surgery be performed? – There are many boards which check the facilities for patient safety, like the International Joint Commission. If they are certified by such a board, you can be sure that you will be completely safe there, as these certifications are not easy to obtain. Steer clear of those hospitals that do not have these certificates.

Are there any before and after photos of this procedure at the desired hospital, or any patient testimonials? – It is always wise to see how people who have had the procedure before fared and what results they achieved. The doctors will always be happy to provide these for you.

Obesity Treatment Abroad, Cheap Weight Loss Surgery

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Competition for clients in the online business sphere continues to become tougher by the day. Only companies that have put in place the right marketing strategies can succeed in getting more customers. One of the best ways of positioning your business for success is by amassing as many reviews from customers as possible.

The most successful businesses in the world have a ton of reviews, both positive and negative, posted online. They help new customers to get a clear perspective of a product or service and decide whether to purchase or move on to the next provider.

In the travel and hospitality industry, they help tourists to know which hotels and restaurants to dine in as well as the best attraction sites to visit.

Here are four reasons defined by Ivan Konovalov, the leading expert from Semalt, why reviews are important for business:

1. Build Trust and Credibility
More than 68% of millennials trust online reviews to help them make the right purchasing decisions as posted to 34% who count on television advertising when making purchases. This statistics means that the more reviews you have posted online on various platforms such as Yelp, the higher your chances of converting prospects into buying customers.

2. Increase Sales and Site Conversion Rates
Sure, buying guides and product descriptions can help your business to grow, but you can get more results by having real customer reviews of your products, services, or the company in general. Studies show that credible customer testimonials result in 18% increase in sales.

Reports have also revealed that clients who take the time to read user-generated product or service reviews show a 133% higher conversion rate. The underlying reason for these statistics is that consumer reviews are trusted 12 times more than product descriptions that are published online by manufacturers.

3. Increase Product Awareness
To compete effectively with other companies offering similar products and services, you need to come up with ways of creating a buzz and continuously increasing product awareness. Positive reviews will portray a positive image of your company to the customers.

On the other hand, negative reviews if responded professionally will create an excellent buzz around your brand that you can capitalize on to generate more sales and boost product awareness. Instead of ignoring or deleting negative reviews, you should professionally respond to them. For example, request the poster to contact the support team and provide solutions to the problem. Once the issue is resolved, ask the poster to reply to his/her comment to show other potential clients that you care about your customers and you are willing to do everything possible to ensure that they get value for money.

4. Contribute to Google Ranking

Every company that has a website is working tirelessly to get listed on the first page of search engine results page. A majority of SEO experts from Semalt are of the idea that reviews contribute to 10% of Google ranking. The more the reviews you accrue from clients, the higher your chances of getting a high ranking on SERPs.

Reviews are critical to your business. Encourage customers to leave feedback by providing incentives such as discounts on their next purchase.

In unserem Artikel erfahren Sie, wie man am besten WhatsApp auf iPad installiert.

Das Gerät ermöglicht es ein WhatsApp auf iPad installieren zu können! Zum Beispiel zu einem bestimmten Zeitpunkt SMS-Nachricht mit Standortdaten oder im Falle von zu senden, wenn das Objekt, das Gebiet vor einer bestimmten Frist verlassen.

Wie installiert man WhatsApp auf iPad?
Die einfachste und kostengünstigste Weg, um alle - die Dienste der Mobilfunkbetreiber zu nutzen. Von den vier größten Betreiber Verfolgung Möglichkeit bieten nur die ersten beiden.
In Schulen eine solche Regelung noch nicht. Deshalb kümmern sich um die Sicherheit Ihres Kindes wir selbst haben.

Ein solcher Dienst bietet auch - "Child Monitor". Das Prinzip ist ähnlich wie die Verbindung und Verwendung von WhatsApp auf iPad. Falls erforderlich, können Sie eine spezielle Anwendung für Android installieren. Details.

Mit dieser Technik extrahieren die Forscher ein Bild von Ihrem Smartphone, die sich automatisch auf icloud gespeichert und können Sie wiederherstellen, falls erforderlich, alle Daten in wenigen Minuten. Bei ihrer Arbeit verwendeten die Experten das Programm Elcomsoft Phone Password Breaker und Elcomsoft iOS Forensic Toolkit. Das ist ein Programm für das Entladesystem Bild entwickelt, um einen Computer direkt von Ihrem Smartphone.
In diesem Fall hängen die Kosten für die Tarifbedingungen des ausgewählten Operators. Wie für den Tracker, sind die Kosten der Vorrichtung liegt üblicherweise im Bereich von 60 bis 200 US-Dollar. Auf dem Territorium in den Verkauf zur Verfügung steht ein recht breites Spektrum an verschiedenen Modellen. das nächste Geschäft zu finden, die Sie gerade in einer Suchmaschine Anfrage geben wie "Kind GPS-Überwachung."

Um die Lage des Objekts (Kind, ältere Person, Auto oder sogar ein Hund), um zu bestimmen, gibt es drei Hauptmethoden, von denen jede ihre eigenen Vor- und Nachteile hat. Darum müssen Sie unbedingt WhatsApp auf iPad installieren.

Unbedingte Vorteile dieses Verfahrens sind die hohe Positioniergenauigkeit - Fehler nicht 2-3 Meter überschreiten kann (hängt jedoch stark von der Qualität des empfangenen Signals). Und die geringe Größe einiger GPS-Tracker, der Telefonkomponente beraubt, damit sie eine geheime Tasche in der Schleimhaut des oberen Kleidungsstück zu machen, die die Möglichkeit des Verlustes des Gerätes reduziert.

Diese Methode eignet sich nicht für jeden, weil es notwendig ist, Anwendung auszustatten. Somit wird in dem Fall des iPhone kann es sein, aber wenn es um Android-Smartphone kommt, scheint die Anwendung. In diesem Fall sind die möglichen Optionen als kostenloser Tracking und Mehrwertdienste, wie alle Arten von Benachrichtigungen per SMS oder E-Mail.

Potenziell teure Sache anziehen wird nicht schnell die Aufmerksamkeit von Angreifern benötigen. Allerdings, wenn das Kind alt genug ist und verantwortlich, der Ansatz und die Methode WhatsApp auf iPad zu installieren!

Do you wish to better your ranking in search engines?

Do you have an interest in using social media to increase your SEO performance?

Social media has substantial benefits on your search outcomes, and a vivid social dominance can enhance the search position.

In this write-up, Jason Adler, the Customer Success Manager of Semalt Digital Services, provides five ways, through which, you can use social media to better your search rankings.

#1: Establish links with your social networks

Previously, the ranking of Google was based on link building regardless of the quality of links an individual was considering. Later on, Google started to consider the quality of the link after realizing that people were manipulating ranking through the use of fake links.

Since social sites are based on a web authority, links on these sites are often regarded to be of higher quality. Even in the case that you have a new Facebook page, it will be probably ranked high due to Facebook's complete authority.

#2: Increase the number of your followers

Sites with a huge number of high-quality followers are better ranged in search engines. Highly rated followers are on your social media platforms, and a significant number of these people interact or engage in some ways.

The conversation may be in the form of retweeting your content, repining pins, writing reviews on Google+ or even sending you a tweet. As such, ensure that the number of your followers is increasing steadily.

#3: Ensure that your content is shareable and searchable

A social platform such as Pinterest makes your information shareable and searchable. The platform inspires sharing significantly. Users post pins of their interest to their boards and disseminate it to other Pinterest fans.

For instance, you can make your posts on Facebook searchable in search engines by going to Facebook privacy setting tab and enabling other search engines to link to your timeline.

#4: Ensure your posts uses keywords

Keywords are vital for your site, paid ad campaigns, and blog, and thus, it should not surprise you that keywords are significant with your social content.

On Pinterest, the sure way to rank in a better position in search engines is to ensure that your boards or pins have keywords. Similarly, performing research for YouTube videos can increase traffic to the blog, channel, and website if they are highlighted on your profile.

Using keywords on your Facebook posts can also result in better ranking.

The keywords ensure that your content is searchable and when users search for those words, your content will be the first one to pop up.

#5: Make local listings

Ensure that your venture has a customized listing on Google + that has your pertinent data and address. This will enable your clients to review your organization directly on Google.


Using social sites as marketing interventions is highly recommendable, but it can even be enhanced further by leveraging it to enhance SEO.

One can be certain that social sites can improve the rankings.

China is on the list of fast developing countries. With a population of around 1.5 billion, China has been one of the biggest manufacturers and exporters of a wide assortment of products. The stuff you can import and purchase from China includes but is not limited to toys, clothes and electronic items. Lately, the country has tapped into the world of 3D printing. Let's find out more about 3D printing companies in China.

Introducing their first machine in 2012, KLARM became one of the pioneers of 3D printing technology in China. They now provide both SLS and SLA manufactured parts and prototypes. Besides this, they also offer bespoke project solutions which can be tailored to meet a client's specific project demands. They also provide highly flexible, value for money manufacturing services for all their rapid production, rapid prototype, and rapid tooling (ProtoTool) products and parts.

SLS is a 3D Printing technology that is similar to SLA but operates by sintering or fusing a powdered material together through a highly accurate computer controlled mirror and laser system. Selective Laser Sintering is an accurate and fast prototyping technology producing durable parts cheaply and quickly. Also, using a laser as the power source to sinter powdered material it clamps the material together to create a stable structure. It is also a convenient and a cost-effective way to make prototypes and finished products. The parts require small post process finishing and are fit for a broad spectrum of applications.

KLARM deploys the cutting edge technologies to manufacture accurate and smooth metal and plastic parts while holding very tight tolerances. Their technicians can polish any surface roughness, take out the time to clean each part, and if required, paint and fill the components. Besides, their in-house machining capacities allow them to add any holes or machining required by the client. Their high-tech facility and new 12,000 sqm have also made production faster and easier. Also, they have a newly expanded capacity in rapid production, rapid prototyping, and rapid tooling (ProtoTool) services. Clients should trust in KLARM Western managed operation to deliver the solution they require to ensure project success. They are among the top companies that offer rapid prototyping services at best prices in China.

At KLARM, we specialize in rapid tooling and rapid prototyping that lines up very well with low to mid volume part production requirements. This may be a ProtoTool mold where you may get fifty-thousand injection molded parts which work well for the automotive sector or a very low volume ProtoTool mold where you may only get a couple of hundred injection molded parts, which can be perfect for early new product development. It can also be low to mid volume production parts through 3D printing, CNC machining, and vacuum casting. We do a lot of low to mid volume production at KLARM, but what we also do is composite part production runs, and full-scale injection molding production runs.

About Us: Klarm Prototyping Ltd strives to turn out to be the most professional China 3D Printing company. The firm continuously tries to reach top excellence level in quality. They want to deliver customers with precision prototypes sold at competitive prices and delivered on time.

Media Contact:
Company: Guangzhou Klarm Prototyping Ltd
Contact: Lanny Larm
Phone: +86-20-3486-3083
Location: Guangzhou, China

Klarm Prototyping Limited offers a wide range of rapid prototyping services to small and medium-sized businesses, including product engineering, research and development , custom plastic injection molding and custom pressure die casting, general assembly and small appliance manufacturing.

As one of China’s top bureaus that specializes in product development, prototyping, and manufacturing services. They’re able to provide these services as they have modern facilities fitted with state-of-the-art equipment that ensures every project they undertake is a success. Having started as a vision of four people, they have grown to be one of China’s top contract manufacturing and prototyping bureaus. KLARM’ primary goal is to provide the highest quality possible to their clients while at the same time offering competitive prices that are rare to find in the market. Having served many customers across the globe, they have earned a reputation to their name as one of the best bespoke manufacturers in the world.

Speaking about prototype manufacturing in China, Jessie Xie said, “Clients in China only choose reliable manufacturers to carry out their tasks. Having this in mind, we always guarantee our customers top-notch work as we employ modern tech to get the job done. As ISO certified manufacturers, we provide 3D printing processes that consist of stereolithography (SLA) and laser sintering (SLS). We pride ourselves on being among the first companies in the industry to use 3D printing in China. Some other manufacturing and product designing services you’ll find at KLARM include CNC machining, reaction injection molding, injection molding, rapid tooling, vacuum casting, etc. To cut the story short, customers can expect honesty and total commitment from our side and are guaranteed success in any project that they undertake with our services by their side.”

It's a rule in this industry that customers will always want quality and at the same time want the lowest prices possible. That's why customers looking for low cost injection molding can trust us to go easy on their pockets. With our injection molding services, you can get guaranteed some benefits such as the lowest prices possible, reliable and quick services, limitless side actions and hassle-free modifications if there's need for any.

Clients looking for plastic prototypes can trust KLARM to deliver on some of the best plastic prototypes as this is one of their specialization areas that they have excelled in for many years. Having ISO certified facilities in Shenzhen, they only produce the best, and their team of capable engineers works with clients to understand their unique needs so as to create parts and services that will be specific to their projects. They use some of the latest techniques such as ProtoTool, which ensures they take the least time possible when doing plastic injection mold projects while at the same time producing top-notch quality.

Speaking about prices of injection molding prices, Jessie Xie added, “It’s a rule in this industry that customers will always want quality and at the same time want the lowest prices possible. That’s why customers looking for low cost injection molding can trust us to go easy on their pockets. With our injection molding services, you can get guaranteed some benefits such as the lowest prices possible, reliable and quick services, limitless side actions and hassle-free modifications if there’s need for any.”

About Us:
Klarm Prototyping Ltd strives to turn out to be the most professional China rapid prototype company. The firm continuously tries to reach top excellence level in quality. They want to deliver customers with precision prototypes sold at competitive prices and delivered on time.

Media Contact:
Company: Guangzhou Klarm Prototyping Ltd
Contact: Lanny Larm
Phone: +86-20-3486-3083
Location: Guangzhou, China


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