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New South Wales, Australia, May 23rd, 2016 -- Helen Glen is pleased to announce the launch of her new blog. Glen, a New South Wales, Australia, based entrepreneur and life coach, is now sharing her knowledge and expertise via the all-new blog.

In her blog, Glen describes how she came into the personal and professional success she’s found. Through her journey, which has included business and marriage loss, Glen has gained skills that have brought her to the opportunity she’s found today.

“A seasoned and successful entrepreneur can recognize an opportunity of a lifetime and has the strength to take advantage...even if it means saying goodbye to what’s familiar,” said Glen. More information can be found at

About Helen Glen:

Helen Glen is an entrepreneur and life coach who combines her personal passion and professional ambition to create a new generation of industry leaders.

Media Contacts:
Helen Glen
Phone: 0417 697 023

For Media Contacts:
Owner Name:
Helen Glen
Phone Number:
0417 697 023

New York, NY, March 23, 2016 -- Él tomó algunos antibióticos, sin saber que su vida cambiaría para siempre. Sucedió en 1998. Su cuerpo reaccionó negativamente a los antibióticos. Cada órgano de su cuerpo, con excepción del cerebro, se colapsó. Ni siquiera su corazón estaba funcionando. Durante dos meses, estuvo tendido en una cama en la unidad de cuidados intensivos, muriendo. El pasó uno de los dos meses en un coma inducido. Los doctores dijeron que solo un milagro lo tendría de regreso. El milagro sucedió y él ha vivido para contar la historia. Sin embargo, Dean quedó con condiciones médicas crónicas, una de ellas es la Neuropatía Periférica.

Dean ha escrito un libro titulado “Neuropatía Periférica: Nueve Pasos Simples para Reducir el Dolor” en el que enseña a las personas con Neuropatía como gestionarla. Además proporciona tips diarios a las personas que están viviendo con Neuropatía acompañándolos en su camino para superarla.

Dean es un guerrero. Mientras sus padres estaban muy preocupados por su vida y dudaban si dejaría la Unidad de Cuidados Intensivos con vida, el creía firmemente que sobreviviría. Hoy él está muy bien. Ha perfeccionado el arte de controlar su neuropatía. Dean tiene un régimen que sigue para mantener sus síntomas a raya. Algunos de los síntomas con los que trata hoy incluyen hormigueo en las piernas. El hormigueo sin embargo, ha reducido significativamente después seguir estrictamente su régimen.

Él ahora es un analista clínico a tiempo completo. Se relaciona con médicos, enfermeras y otros en el campo de la medicina. Su trabajo consiste en la implementación de las solicitudes de información a la base de datos para los practicantes de medicina. Él es también un Coach de Vida. Cualquier persona con una enfermedad crónica puede ponerse en contacto con Dean en busca de ayuda. Él inspira a muchos con su historia personal de lucha, resistencia y superación. Deanes una persona que logra sus metas. Él fue capaz de asistir a la Copa del Mundo de 2014 en Brasil. Él preparó su mente y cuerpo durante meses antes del viaje para estar en óptimas condiciones durante el agotador programa.

Dean practica la gratitud cada mañana. Él sabe que cada día es un regalo y está muy agradecido por un día más de vida. Dice que experimenta entumecimiento en sus pies cuando se despierta por la mañana. Así que, empieza por conseguir que su cuerpo, literalmente comience a sentir a sus pies. Él ejerce tensión sobre sus pies y músculos para permitir que su cuerpo despierte en fases.

Una vez hecho esto, él se pone de pie en el piso y hace sus ejercicios de cardio, estiramientos y flexiones. De esta manera, sus músculos se mantienen fuertes. Esto es muy útil cuando se trata la Neuropatía Periférica. Dean dice que el ejercicio fortalece los músculos y proporciona a los nervios la estimulación que necesitan para mantener el cuerpo en forma.

Con los años, muchos le hanpedidoa Deanuna y otra vez que debía compartir la historia de su supervivencia y superación de la neuropatía periférica. También solía asistir a grupos de apoyo de neuropatía y él escuchaba las frustraciones de la gente y veía su dolor. Le encantaba hablar en estas reuniones e inspirar los que sufren para darles esperanza de una vida más allá de las frustraciones de la neuropatía. Todos estos acontecimientos lo empujaron a escribir el libro “PeripheralNeuropathyNine Simple Steps To Reduce ThePain”, que está disponible en Amazon ( El libro también está disponible en español, "Neuropatía Periférica Nueve pasos simples para reducir el dolor" ( y Portugués “ NeuropatiaPeriferica Nove Passos Simples Para Reduzir A Dor” ( ).

Dean ha tenido momentos en que quería darse por vencido. Él dice que fue especialmente difícil cuando experimentó tanto dolor. Él dice que muchas veces estuvo tentado a saltarse su régimen o no dormir lo suficiente o no quería llegar demasiado lejos ya que él experimentaría tanto dolor que sentiría el deseo de rendirse. Dean, sin embargo, dice que siempre recuerda lo lejos que ha llegado y se impulsa de vuelta hacia su régimen como una manera de salir de su dolor.

Deanaconseja a cualquier persona que sufre de una enfermedad crónica que reúna toda la información sobre la condición como les sea posible. Él dice que esto es donde todo comienza. Una vez conocido el estado por el que están sufriendo, Dean dice que usted puede comenzar a entender cómo puede superarlo. Según Dean, también es muy bueno pedir ayuda. "No tenga miedo de hablar con un amigo... No sienta que hay algo mal con usted. Escuche: todo el mundo tiene algo que afrontar ", dice Dean.

La Mentalidad de Dean contribuyó en gran medida a conseguir poner su vida en orden después de la experiencia de la neuropatía. Mucho antes de que pudiera caminar y conducir de nuevo, el utilizaba su mente para fortalecer y reformar sus vías neurales imaginándose a sí mismo conduciendo su vehículo. A pesar de que no podía moverse. Dean cree que esto le ayudó a recuperarse más rápido.

Hoy, él no toma analgésicos. Se ha liberado y quiere mostrar a otros cómo pueden superar la Neuropatía Periférica u otras condiciones crónicas. Puede contactar con Dean en Facebook en ‘OvercomingNeuropathy’ o su página web También ofrece consultas privadas y mucho más en su sitio web.

For Media Contacts:
Owner Name:
Dean S. Lewis
Company Name:
Your Full Life, LLC
Phone Number:
(631) 223­8416

Leipzig, Germany, Mar 10th, 2016 -- Most have already heard of Satellite Internet Services to get access provided through communications satellites. Since decades different providers offering One-Way Terrestrial Return Satellite Internet Systems based on conventional Internet access over the provider for upstream and downstream directly via satellite. Two-Way Satellite Internet Services can send and receive data from a remote terminal via satellite to a hub telecommunications port which then relays data via the terrestrial Internet. The old and actual services are expensive and unsuitable for mobile. Another method is the Internet via satellite phone, but modern models or services only reach data rates of some kbit/s upstream and downstream. This will change with the next generation of the Internet, the Interplanetary Internet. This new Network is an expansion of the current Internet into near-earth space. The first developers and companies of the new Internet are Greg Wyler’s OneWeb, Elon Musk’s SpaceX and Richard Branson's Virgin Galactic. These three competitors have their own plans and solutions to connect the whole world with this new Internet from Space. Future generations will expand this network to other planets and into deep space, this will be the Solar System Internet and the Galactic Internet. More detailed information you can find on the Wikipedia articles 'Satellite Internet Access', 'Interplanetary Internet' and the official information portal.

The project discusses also solutions for the space debris, a growing problem for space travel in the near-earth space. The Satellite Apps Network and Interplanetary Internet project reported a lot about the situation. It's clear to clean up first the space before starting more and more missions, especially an internet in space. It makes no sense to destroy discarded satellites, missionrelated objects and bigger fragments or let them crashing down to earth. Better is to bring them into higher orbits far away from earth (like graveyard orbit or around moon) and to use them as material resource for future missions. This disposal site could be a perfect depot for recycling the space debris or resources. The interesting point here is you could use old satellites or bigger fragments as network nodes for the Interplanetary- or Solar-SystemInternet in future, just attach a transmitter and receiver.

More in-depth information, sources and studies you can find on the Interplanetary Internet information portal, which was founded by Change Games Entertainment and the Satellite Apps Network project.

Websites / Sources:

Author and Media Contact:
PR / Media Coordinator
Oliver Gediminas Caplikas
Leipzig, 04229

Practice focuses on estate planning, wills, trusts, powers of attorney and more

Tamarac, FL, Mar 11th, 2016 -- Jason A. Jenkins, an elder law attorney in Florida, specializes in wills, probate, power of attorney and other areas of elder law and estate planning.

Jenkins, who graduates magna cum laude from St. Thomas University School of Law, has been in private practice since 2014 and is a member of the Florida Bar Association, Elder Law Section of the Florida Bar, National Academy of Elder Law Attorneys, Florida Academy of Elder Law Attorneys, along with other organizations. He credits his upbringing with his passion for helping those in need. He was raised in Texas and his father was a minister.

“My experiences with my father taught me the joy and the amazing effect that helping people can have,” Jenkins said.

Jenkins’ firm offers a wide range of services for clients, including wills, trusts, power of attorney, health-care directives, living wills, probate administration, guardianship, Medicaid planning, special needs planning, and Social Security Disability.

As an elder law attorney, Jenkins works to offer clients simple service to help with their plans for the future. In addition to a free, confidential, no-obligation consultation, his site,, has resources designed to educated potential clients about elder law issues.

In one recent post, he covered powers of attorney.

“For most people, the durable power of attorney is the most important estate planning instrument available—even more useful than a will,” he wrote. “A power of attorney allows a person you appoint to act in place of you for financial purposes when and if you ever become incapacitated. In that case, the person you choose will be able to step in and take care of your financial affairs. Without a durable power of attorney, no one can represent you unless a court appoints a guardian.”

More information about the services elder law attorney Jenkins offers is available at

For Media Contacts:
Owner Name:
Robert Sopcak
Company Name:
Law Office of Jason A. Jenkins, P.A.

Know more about Rice Straw Power Project, an amazing movement to help preserve the environment in best possible form. The first facilities will produce food, heating (pellets) and building materials from rice straw.

Germany, Mar 1st, 2016 -- Scientists and experts are never stopped in conducting researches in order to solve various problems people might have faced today and in the future. Renewable energy sources are still being the main target and hundreds new researches are conducted every year in order to find the best possible source of renewable energy that would change the way people use energy nowadays. Among so many interesting projects being conducted by those experts today, there is the Rice Straw Power project that potentially is to be able to make a huge contribution to environment preservation.

So what is Rice Straw Power project all about? The project is mainly about finding an alternative way to make good use of rice straw waste, especially after harvest season. The fact is, most farmers are still using the traditional way to get rid of those rice straw wastes, such as by burning it in the open environment, which could pollute the air severely. So, instead of burning it, the project had found an alternative way to utilize these rice straw as renewable energy as well as also to be used as housing materials. Yes, someone’s trash may be other people’s treasure. In the right hand, something that seems to have no value at all, such as the rice straw can be transformed into something useful that even could help improve the life of poor people.

Shortly speaking, the Rice Straw Power project offers various great benefits, such as the significant reduction of air pollution, more environment-friendly rice straw waste management, renewable source of rice straw energy, and in a big picture, the project is expected to be able to help reduce the risk of severe climate change in the future. There are various other great benefits can be gained from the project, including also more affordable building materials thanks to the unlimited stocks of rice straws especially in agricultural countries.

About the Rice Straw Power Company an Project:

The Rice Straw Power Project was pioneered by Hans Lothar Köhl. He started the project in 2006. The idea came to his mind after he realized the significant amount of air pollutants were produced by open crop burning after yielding. He believed that the repetitive tradition of crop burning has hugely contributed in triggering climate change that occurred nowadays.

And to participate in climate protection, he managed to start researching an alternative way to manage the rice straw waste in as a friendliest possible way to the environment. The official Rice Straw Power Company was founded in 2015! The project team stands for clean renewable energy, fuels and innovative building materials made from rice straw.

Environmental and climate protection plays a special role.

For Media Contacts:
Company Name:
Rice Straw Power Ltd.
Germany / Vietnam

Los Angeles, CA, Mar 2nd, 2016 -- There’s a new way to protect oneself from harmful electromagnetic radiation and its effects while using a cell phone, a tablet or a laptop.

Vortex Bio Shield, a state-of-the art radiation protector by Working Vibes Research, filters and neutralizes any waves of electromagnetic radiation that everyone is nowadays exposed to both at home and at work.

The product prevents stress and fatigue caused by cell phones and other wireless devices.

“Tests show that after using Vortex Bio Shield people feel better, they have more energy and their headaches are gone. The first noticeable difference is that their devices aren’t getting as hot as before,” said (person’s name), (title) of Working Vibes Research.

Vortex Bio Shield fits any cell phone or other wireless device. The product comes in several colours to choose from. Vortex Bio Shield can be ordered online at

For further information, please visit or contact (person’s name), telephone (267) 867 8396, e-mail


About us

More and more people are exposed to and suffer from the health effects of electromagnetic radiation.

Working Vibes Research, a Los Angeles-based company dedicated to restoring wellbeing through the development of cutting-edge technologies, has a variety of products designed to shield and protect the body from harmful electromagnetic radiation. The new Vortex Bio Shield is the company’s flagship product.

For Media Contacts:
Company Name:
Working Vibes Research
Phone Number:
(267) 867 8396


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