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Interactive and participatory learning activities At SIM Global Education campus, (from left), Mai from Vietnam, Shana from India, and Ethan Lim and Eddie Leow from, Singapore, writing and editing articles on Economics

TERTIARY students today will not simply sit in class and listen to someone on stage, talking down to them. They want to be connected to the speaker making the lesson, presentation.

Learning is no longer a one-way street, but a bi-directional engagement between the, teacher and the taught. And those in the education profession are sitting up to take note, of this change in attitude among the students, described as Generation Y or Millennial, Learners by Dr Christy Price, Professor of Psychology at Dalton State College in the, US.

Dr Price was in Singapore in October 2013 as keynote speaker at SIM Global, Education’s Annual Education Conference, where she shared her research on, Engaging Millennial Learners (usually defined as students aged 18 to 28 years old).

High expectations, little effort

They are indeed a “new breed of students” who have an unrealistically high expectations of success combined with an astonishingly low level of effort on their part, she notes.

To find out more of their learning traits, Dr Price conducted a survey among her own students, asking them to respond to the following questions: (1) What did you do to prepare for the exam? (2) Considering what you did to prepare for the exam, what grade did you expect to earn? (3) What will you do differently in preparing for the next exam? (4) Is there anything I can do to assist you in preparing for the next exam?

She found that in response to the first question, students offered up surprisingly candid responses. For example, they replied, “I read parts of the chapter” and “I looked over my notes the night before and reviewed during my class that meets right before”.

Other responses were: “I looked over my notes in the car before coming to class”, and “I’m going to do much better next time, now that I bought the book”. For the last response, Dr Price notes that this student sat through three weeks of class and took the first exam without purchasing the required text!

“The most astonishing part of all of this was when these students were asked what grade they expected to earn, they confidently listed an A or a B,” she says. There clearly is a gap between students’ level of effort and their expectation of success.

Demanding educational consumers

Dr Price quoted the book Generation Me (2006) in which author Jean Twenge described Generation Y as the first generation to be fully raised in the aftermath of the technological revolution in which information has been readily available to them with the click of a mouse. This environment has driven them to be demanding educational consumers with no tolerance for delay.

In addition, Twenge found that Generation Y youth are more likely to seek wealth as opposed to meaning and purpose in life; therefore, they typically view their college education as a means to an end. For these reasons, Generation Y Millennials often fail to see the value of a liberal arts education.

Finally, this generation finds social rules less important and they have become very informal in their writing, speaking, dress, and interactions with authority figures.

“Whether we like it or not, the Millennial learner is the new generation of student that we must influence, inspire, and serve,” Dr Price says. She lists six key principles of service excellence for education providers, with the goal of creating a transformative experience for learners.

Six R’s of Excellence

1. Resonate with students, leading them on the hero’s journey, and helping them to overcome obstacles. Learning is a call to adventure. The student answers the call and begins the journey, taking on the role of hero. He or she encounters road blocks and becomes discouraged. A mentor comes along to guide and encourage and help the hero overcome the road blocks.

2. Create a Relaxed, non-authoritarian environment for students. Millennials thrive in a less formal, more comfortable learning environment in which they can informally interact with the professor and one another.

Dr Price says in her survey, student respondents perceived professors who listened, related, and talked to students about their lives, as connected to Millennial culture and perceived those professors who were unattached or solely focused on course content as not connected to Millennial culture.

3. Provide Rationales to students in the policies and rules of the institution. Unlike the older Baby Boomer generation who were raised in a more authoritarian manner in which they more readily accept the chain of command, Millennials were raised in a non-authoritarian manner and are more likely to conform, comply, and adhere to course policies when they are provided with a rationale.

Giving them a rationale goes a long way to motivate them to follow the rules. Avoid authoritarian language, such as “I require”, “you must”, “you should”. In general, Millennials seem to strongly resist authoritarian power structure.

4.Establish Rapport and be responsive to students’ needs. Millennials are used to having parents and other older adults in their lives show great interest in them. They appreciate it when professors show that same interest, and they seem to be more willing to pursue learning outcomes when educators connect with them on a personal level.

5. Offer the most Relevant services to best meet the needs of the students. “Our role as teachers have changed,” says Dr Price. “We’re no longer mere information providers; we have to create relevance and value in our teaching.”

6. Engage in Reflective practice regularly.

The ideal professor

Dr Price’s survey reveals what students felt that an ideal professor should be:

1. Energetic, enthusiastic and upbeat, with a positive attitude.
2. Open-minded and flexible, particularly in assignments and course policy.
3. Alert as to whether students understand the lesson contents.
4. Nice, friendly, caring and helpful.
5. Approachable and easy to talk to. This is the No.1 characteristic of the Millennials’ ideal professor, says Dr Price.
“They seem to care more about who we are and how we interact with them, than they care about what we know,” says Dr Price.

Ideal learning environment

Millennials also painted a picture of what an ideal learning environment would be like:

1. Students know one another and work together in groups. This finding is consistent with Millennials’ team orientation, interdependence and desire for connection.
2. Learning is relaxed, enjoyable, and fun.
3. Multi-media is used, including podcasts, on-line activities, video, PowerPoint presentations, and so on.
4. Real-world examples that are relevant to the students’ culture, are used.
5. Teaching is interactive and participatory, and a variety of teaching methods are employed, as opposed to a lecture only” format.
“If you lecture all throughout the time then we get bored. If you are constantly changing from lecture, to discussion, to group work, that helps a lot. It helps keep us awake and we learn more. Stuff gets into our head better,” was one of the responses.

Veteran teacher

Dr Christy Price, Professor of Psychology at Dalton State College, has been teaching at the college level for 17 years. Dr Price has studied teaching techniques that influence student motivation. Her recent research focuses on engaging Millennial learners. Picture: Dr Price receives a token of appreciation from Adjunct Professor KC Lee, CEO of SIM Global Education, for her keynote speech at SIM in October 2013

Excerpt from SIM GE’s VIBES magazine, February / March 2014

Each year, just in America, over 500,000 girls ages 15-19 give birth. The organization Young Moms Club is helping to improve the lives of these young mothers and their children by teaching crucial life skills such as goal setting and achievement, communication skills, self-care, financial literacy, healthy relationships and more.

"Not only are young moms themselves the future, but they're also raising the future. By supporting and encouraging these girls rather than criticizing and judging them, we could positively impact the lives of millions of people in a short amount of time. And that would definitely change the world." -Danielle Ford (excerpt from Danielle Ford's TEDXWomen talk "Reinventing teen motherhood")

Young Moms Club is expanding their reach. They have created a GoFundMe campaign and are accepting donations. All funds raised will go to staffing, community outreach, live meetup groups and production costs for the Young Moms Club book.

Donations can be made at a minimum of $5 which will get you a heartfelt shout out via YoungMomsClub’s populated social media accounts. There are also donation options that will earn you a badge on the website for $30, a badge and complimentary copy of the book for $100 and companies can get a video company and/or product review made and promoted with every $500 donation.

You can learn more about Young Moms Club at or contact Danielle directly at View the live campaign and pledge your donations at


Media Contact:
Contact: Danielle Ford
Phone: 702-808-8861

The services offered by military personnel cannot be overemphasized. The men and women who serve in the military department play a big role which consists of sacrificing their own lives. These members put their lives at risk for the sake of protecting others. Therefore they need a big applause and that is why Vernon Davis has a unique way of saying thank you to our military veterans. The mission behind this initiative is basically to say thank you for your service as a way of showing appreciation for the great work the military men and women have done when they were serving our country in uniform.

Although saying thank you may look like a common thing, it is very special for the individuals who have served in the military. It is very unfortunate that most military personnel receive very little appreciation from the government and other institutions. This is despite the fact that the men and women who served carry the huge responsibility of ensuring safety in our nation. It is for this reason that Thank You For Your Service (TU4YS) has created this unique way of saying thank you to the military veterans.

The main objective of Vernon Davis’s initiative is to say thank you to the men and women who have served in the military. TU4YS has a very simple and unique way of accomplishing their mission. They have designed packets which they have named Thank You Packets (TYP’s). The TYP consists of a full colour Thank You card, envelope and a dog tag. These are the packets that they award to military veterans everyday, everywhere. This is done free of charge to the veteran. The TYP are mailed, awarded in persons, awarded via family, friends and various organizations that support our mission via donations.

To help them achieve their mission, TU4YS has partnered with several individuals and organizations who have continued to give donations at different events and shows. Some of the sponsor organizations include: Disabled American Veterans Auxiliary, Vietnam Veterans of America, Fishing For Freedom (Quincy, Illinois), Mid-America Military Salute Committee, NEMO Manufacturing, Inc., among others.

ThankU4YourService (TU4YS) is a non-profit organization that was started in November 2012 by Vernon Davis, an Army Veteran and professional stand-up comedian (stage name Longhorn The Comedian At every venue he performs, Vernon gives tribute to military veterans for their great service ad sacrifice. The key goal of the mission is to appreciate the great work that military veterans have performed by saying thank you. Since 2012 when the organization was established, over 4,000 Thank You Packets have been awarded to military veterans.

For media enquiries, users can use the following contact details:
Mailing address: ThankU4YourService, 2619 Shannon Avenue, St. Louis, MO 63136
Telephone number: 314-607-3637

July 11, 2014 - Holts Summit, MO -- Many people already know that DTC LifeTools has extended their birthday celebration to include the whole summer. What they may not know is the company has just awarded over $225 worth of their LifeTools just after Father’s Day. The package included one of each in their product line: the AutoSafe tire pressure gauge with Car Escape Tools, the PowerSafe Solar Emergency Radio, The LightSafe LED Flashlight with Auto Glass breaker and Seat Belt Cutter, and the MiniBoomer MP3 Player and Emergency Radio.

When asked about having a second contest so soon company spokesman and CEO, Don Carter stated, "We are happy to have a reason to celebrate and we owe the largest part of our success to our customers. So, we have decided to extend our celebration throughout the summer in order that more people can have a chance to win. We are looking for every excuse we can find to have a contest!"

This second contest of the summer consists of two AutoSafe Car Escape Tool with Digital Tire Gauge. Carter States, "The thinking behind give two away to the same winner is due to the fact that most families have at least two vehicles. We want to make sure the winner has one in each car since you never know which one may need it most." Carter goes on to say the choice of prizes for this contest also had to do with summer being camping and hiking season. He says the utility tools on the AutoSafeLifeTool are extremely handy on outdoor adventures like these.

Several more contests are planned before the fall season. The current contest, has just recently been announced on the DTC LifeTools website and Facebook pages. Carter says they also broadcast the announcements on Twitter, Google Plus, and as many other platforms as possible. This contest will run through July 20, 2014 at midnight. Additional announcements will be forthcoming in releases to the media as well as their social and online channels.

About DTC LifeTools

DTC LifeTools is dedicated to providing the highest quality security multitools such as a tire pressure gauge with auto glass breaker, solar emergency light, Solar Emergency Radio, car escape tool, LED flashlights, and other survival gear along with the best customer service available. Company plans include development and addition of new products several times a year.

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If you would like more information about this topic, please contact Don Carter at 573-415-0029 or email at

Contact: Don Carter
Telephone: 573-415-0029

Online, July 9, 2014– DTC LifeTools announces the winner of the first in a series of product give-a-ways in their summer long festivities. The company is celebrating their successful first year in business with customer appreciation contests. This first give-a-way featured the entire DTC LifeTools Product line including their solar emergency radio, tire pressure gauge with car escape tools, Emergency flashlight with emergency escape tools, and their MiniBoomer emergency radio with MP3 player.

Company CEO, Don Carter, reports that customer DeWayne Cartee of Missouri won the prize valued at just over $225.

Carter states, "We want everyone to win the prize, but of course that's not realistic. What is realistic is that we are extending our celebration throughout the summer months so other will have a chance to win and we will make the most of our opportunity to say 'Thank You' to our supporters."

DTC LifeTools launched their first products, the AutoSafe Tire Gauge and the LightSafe Emergency Flashlight with Auto Glass Breaker, both with a set of stainless steel car escape tools on June 4, 2013. They added the PowerSafe Solar Emergency Radio and MiniBoomer BoomboxMP3 Player a few months later. Plans are to continue expanding the current product line in 2014.

Company officials report that contest number two is to be announced in a few days.    DTC LifeTools is an online retailer dedicated to bringing the best tools to life – for safety, comfort and fun. All of their products are sold satisfaction guaranteed.

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If you would like more information about this topic, please contact Don Carter at 1-573-415-0029 or email at

Duplicell P199 Eye Therapy is considered as one of the effective remedies of the people’s agony as caused by skin dilemmas.

Duplicell P199 Eye Therapy Review, Finding alternatives with regard to skin dilemmas is one of the major concerns are trying to deal with nowadays. It is so given that everyone is having agony while having a lot of skin issues similar to facial lines, sagging, deep furrows and also wrinkles. “This is the important factor why we all launched Duplicell P199 Eye Therapy, among the effective beauty creams nowadays that individuals could use,” revealed Justine Jordan, Skin Expert and Spokesperson of Duplicell P199 Eye Therapy. This kind of statement can be found in her review posted on the internet just recently.

It has been observed that people are active in trying to find skin solutions. The actual surveys which were carried out vis-à-vis the reasons why individuals, more specifically women, do this kind of experienced manifested that to look young through skin healthy texture with glowing upper layer is equivalent to using an all natural and total beauty.

Outer physical beauty is important as far as human existence in this world is concerned. “I actually agree it's a must to be able to rejuvenate skin health. This is where people, like me, point their own concept on beauty along with wellness. It is recently been the key reason why I have already been using Duplicell P199 Eye Therapy for approximately 2 months today,” revealed a single end-user named Eda H. She is aged 35.

The 5 clear great things about this natural skin care product are generally reduced appearance of wrinkles, all-day skin protection along with hydration, firmed and lifted dropping sagging skin, quick results, and zero negative side effects. “There are no unwanted side effects of this product since Duplicell P199 Eye Therapy ingredients found in this are all natural and guaranteed safe. Actually, we passed the standard of Food and Drug Administration of the US,” added Justine Jordan.


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