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For as many years as I can remember I dreamed of living a Nomad lifestyle.  Working my 6 day a week life as a Sales Manager, I cherished the 3-day holiday weekends and 2-week vacations so I could pack up the essentials and head out to the great unknown. 

As time went by, money started getting tight so my wife and I took on extra jobs, she working part time from our home as a graphic designer and me as a private marketing and sales consultants.  I had a handful of clients who appreciated the 30 plus years of experience we brought to the table, and were willing to pay us handsomely for our expertise.

Life was good, but I still wasn’t satisfied, even with all the big screen TV’s, toys, electronics and such, I was feeling incomplete.   Then one night my wife and I sat down on the couch and started to talk about our life.  That’s when it hit us both, we were existing but not really living.  It was and still is all about the escape.  Be it camping, touring, traveling to foreign countries or just running away out of state to see friends and relatives, the euphoria of being free is addictive.  So much so, that 5 years ago I quit my full-time job, sold our house, bought a slightly used RV and sold off most of our furniture and belongings.  Other than photos and mementos, what we didn’t absolutely need we didn’t keep.  We packed our precious items into a small temperature controlled storage unit and headed off into the great unknown. 

Although we had managed to save a bit of cash over the years including a few dollars from the sale of our home, just to be safe wedecided to keep our part time businessesjust to keep a consistent money stream.  You never know when you will need some extra spending cash.  The beauty of owning our own businesses is that we could operate from virtually anywhere we could getWi-Fi connection or cell phone service, even outside the USA.  We also had to decide where we would establish our new residence as Nomads. 

We wanted to go with a state that offered the best tax benefits as well as being RV friendly.  Since we planned to be on the road most of the time and not in state, the choice became very obvious – South Dakota.

While it's true that South Dakota, Florida and Texas have no State income taxes, it's the other benefits that explain why South Dakota beats out all other states. For example, Florida is almost the highest state in the country for vehicle insurance. Texas while not as high is still pricey. South Dakota is consistently one of the least expensive States for vehicle insurance.

Besides no State income tax, South Dakota has no personal property taxes, no state inheritance tax, no vehicle inspections and when a vehicle is purchased anywhere in the country and registered in South Dakota; the tax collected is only 4%. In fact, if the vehicle had already been purchased and the client has paid 4% or more in state tax to their home state, South Dakota won't charge any additional taxes at all. Unlike many other states, a person does NOT need a South Dakota driver’s license to obtain South Dakota license plates.  This can be done long distance.

Now that we did our homework on the State to set up our Nomad residence, we needed to decide with who.  There was a lot of material to be found online along with numerous companies offering to assist in setting up South Dakota residency.  It was getting a bit overwhelming so we decided to make up our mind the old fashion way – we asked other RV owners and Nomads for their advice and recommendations.  We talked with dozens of couples and most of the response was positive and helpful.  It seemed that a majority kept saying the same thing; “It’s very easy and affordable and we should start off with the membership with Americas Mailbox.” So, after going through the Americas Mailbox website we decided to give them a call. Looking back, it was the best call we could have made.

Americas Mailbox was conceived by Don and Barb Humes due to an obvious need for both a reliable and professional mail forwarding company in South Dakota for anybody that travels, both within and outside of the United States. While there were a small number of other mail forwarding companies in existence before Americas Mailbox was founded, none of them offered the service that consumers needed at a fair or reasonable price.  Americas Mailbox was going to be different.  It would be based on two founding principles - The Golden Rule and Common Sense.

Americas Mailboxprovides its clients many benefits outside of what a normal mail forwarding company wouldoffer including mail scanning and forwarding client’s mail anywhere they travel, insuring them a safe and reliable location to receive, store and ship mail as requested.  In addition, Americas Mailbox saves its members literally tens of thousands of dollars in taxes and other fees from their current state. Don and Barb were determined to completely meet the needs of consumers at a fair price.

When you set up an account with Americas Mailbox it gives you the opportunity to establish residency in South Dakota. It doesn't matter if you own a house or a business there, unlike many other mail forwarding companies in other states.One of the easy requirements for it members to obtain a driver's license (a main proof of residency) is to spend at least one night at a hotel, motel or campground anywhere in the state and besides Americas Mailbox, Don and Barb own a fully licensed hotel and campground right there on premises. 

For members that wish to register their vehicles in South Dakota to take advantage of the low rates, unlike many other states, a person does NOT need a South Dakota driver's license prior to obtaining license plates. Since South Dakota doesn't require any inspections or Proof of Insurance, the staff at Americas Mailbox can obtain license plates for it members remotely and then send them anywhere instructed. The company’s staff currently handles thousands of vehicles registrations annually.

There are many more benefits to choosing Americas Mailbox and you can learn more by visiting them online at, or give them a call – (605) 718-1234.  They will be more than happy to assist you.  You never know, you might get to speak with the owners personally.  In the end, I think you will agree - it is the best call you ever made.

One thing is certain, the Nomad craze is indeed growing and there is no sign that it is slowing down. It will continue for years as people realize that the Nomadic lifestyle is one that allows people with digitalor telecommuting skills to live affordably, save money in taxes andfees, see the world at their leisure and in short, enjoy their life to the fullest.

Jewellery by George is the online jewellery store Jewels by George for Uncle George is a quirky and colourful boutique located in Hastings Street, Noosa Heads on the Sunshine Coast, Queensland Australia. Uncle George Jewellery is sourced from exotic locations such as Europe and Israel, all our jewellery will entice devotees and collectors and wearers of fashion jewellery.

Choose from AMARO; AMARO specialises in producing unique jewellery pieces inspired by ancient cultures.

Ayala Bar is an internationally recognized designer, cognizant of the trends in the fashion world, but always true to her inner vision.

Dori Csengeri’s universe is inspired by fashion and art. Dori’s unique jewelry is impeccably hand embroidered at her atelier, by talented artisans.

Franck Herval Born of the expertise of long-established jewellery creators and manufacturers, the French brand Franck Herval is designed by Manuelle, and handmade by a highly skilled team of Artisans.

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Uncle George makes all ladies look a million dollars without the million dollar price tag visit us online at

When looking for an urologist, you have to be sure that what you are choosing is top notch. This is someone who will be responsible for your reproductive organs, as well as for your urinary continence. Finding good urology treatments is important because a simple mistake as a misdiagnosis, or a botched treatment, can have profound effects on your overall health.

When choosing a urology treatment, you have two options:

-Find local urology specialist– If you have problems which require a urology specialist, then it is probably for the better to look for one near your location. Urology treatments might require frequent visits, which is why local choice is probably better.

-Find urology specialist abroad – If, however, there are no good specialists locally, you can choose to have your treatment abroad. This also goes for those treatments which are unavailable or outside your price range (although urology treatments are mostly covered by insurance).

However, whatever it is that you choose, it is imperative that you try and learn as much as possible about a urology specialists that are on your shortlist before making a decision. Researching as much as possible and then comparing is the only way to make an informed decision about who to trust with your urology problems.

How to make an informed decision?

The more you know about individual urologists, the easier it will be for you to choose which one to go to. Like we said, thorough research is the only way to gather knowledge, and with the Internet at your disposal, it is now possible to know everything without even a single visit.

What to look for when researching urologist?

  • Qualifications and experience – Primary thing to check with any urologist is their credentials and qualifications. A urology specialist has to go through medical school and then specialize in the urology field. Aside from that, a good urology specialist will attend conferences and symposia within the urology field in order to stay up to date. If this is all like that, then you should be able to find that information about the specialist online, as most of them are proud to show that they are moving forward with their field of medicine.
  • Pricing and inclusions – If you decide to travel, then looking for treatment packages is your best option. However, you should always check the prices and compare them, as some packages in some countries are cheaper than in others. Also, sometimes cheaper packages cost less because they do not include everything that the more expensive ones do.
  • Check the facilities – Working conditions are also important, as they allow the urologist to bring out their best. You can always find pictures and videos of a clinic that the urologist is working at, if the clinic is willing to show them. If they are not, that usually means that there is something wrong, so you should probably stay away.

Questions to ask before booking

Doest the urologist have all the certifications and qualifications to treat people?– Urology is a complicated field and it is interwoven with other fields such as oncology, gynecology (for women) and nephrology. Make sure that, aside from urology specialization, the urologist you choose is familiar with these fields, either through attending conferences or completing additional specializations.

How much will the treatment package cost me? – If you choose to pay for your treatment, then you should know exactly what you are paying for. The cost will vary depending on the country, how complicated the procedure is, and, sometimes, the experience of the specialist.

How much will other expeses, like travel and stay, cost me? – If you choose to travel abroad for the procedure, then you should definitely know whether the travelling costs are a part of the package or not. The stay in another city might also not be covered. These are all additional expenses that have to be calculated towards the whole cost of the treatment. Also, make sure that there are no hidden costs in the package.

Where will the urologist perform the procedure? – Urologists usually work in local hospitals and clinics and rarely have their own offices. This is why you have to know where the urologist works and what state is the clinic infrastructure in – the better the state of the infrastructure, the better the service that the urologist can provide.

What do their former patients have to say? – Hearing from someone who has had first-hand experience with the urologist you are thinking of choosing is a good way to see whether what information you’ve found is true. You can always look for patient testimonials or their videos, although we would recommend the former.

Choosing an urologist is not something that should be taken lightly. The future of your reproductive health depends on it, as a single mistake (whether when diagnosing or treating) can have profound impact on your reproductive organs. This can be avoided through making informed decisions when choosing who will treat you. We are always here to help if you need any further information about either the medical centers or urologists.

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The latest Fad in Fitness regimes is CrossFit training. This fad has also become very popular in Dubai. Crossfit is a fitness regime which was developed by Greg Glassman. Crossfit training includes different workouts performed with high intensity. Some of the functional movements are gymnastics, running, rowing, weightlifting, swimming and the like.

What is CrossFit Dubai training

CrossFit follows the premise that fitness needs differ from person to person by degree and not kind. The second premise is that everybody is capable of any or every workout available.

The idea is to work more in less time for example running longer distances in the shortest time. The workout intensity keeps increasing at every level and is expected to improve fitness drastically.

Scoreboards are maintained to monitor records of improvement in performance. This not only motives but sets standards for others to follow.

CrossFit Dubaibuilds strengths through various workouts. There is no specialization and each day’s workout is not the same.

There are various centres providing CrossFit franchise in Dubai like Crowne Plaza Deira, and if you are unable to take up classes due to busy schedules, take a FittPass.

So what is FittPass?

Your passport to fitness across Dubai. You can avail their one day, five day, three month, six month and annual passes to join CrossFit training programs whenever you find time for fitness. These passes have a minimum 30dayoffer period, which you can use to great effect.

These passes can help you in many ways.

  • There is no entrance fee
  • Gym membership is not wasted
  • FittPass has reviews and metrics which you can use to select the best gym around that caters to your needs
  • The fitness programs are made livelier so that you do not get bored

How can you use a FittPass

The first is to search for the nearest fitness centre which provides CrossFit training.

After the location is narrowed down, choose the type of pass you want. Choose from the wide variety of day passes to membership passes. The final stage is payment and you are ready to go.

FittPass(Dubai)has partners all across Dubai for the maximum reach. Get your FittPass for CrossFit today and see the dramatic results that your body experiences.

The insurance claims process can be stressful, so many variables that must be considered. Major systems such as air conditioning systems are often confusing because they can be part of the structural or personal property coverage depending on whether you have a window AC unit or a HVAC system. It is important to review the existing policy coverage and understand the deductible levels.

There are many advantages of using a local air conditioner repair company. First, local AC repair services know the area, they will be able to find your home and understand nuisances that are specific to your locale. Second, they will understand the way to write claims to maximize your chances of getting approvals. Third, local air conditioner fixers will be able to complete work timely and will be available for preventative maintenance or warranty repairs afterwards.

Types of damages covered by homeowners or commercial insurance include the following:

Lightning Strikes/Power Surges

Trees Falling on the Outside AC Unit

Wind Damage

Types of damage NOT covered by homeowners or commercial insurance include the following:

Old Age – Such as dry rotted hoses, broken coils, fan breaks, compressor fails.

Unmaintained Damage – Such as frozen coils due to water backup, system failure due to unchanged filters.

Broken Thermostat

Repairs can be costly and insurance companies understand that. Many have started offering a major appliance coverage option that will ensure systems such as HVAC units are covered. Before filing a claim, consider the type of damage and cost. If the cost to repair the AC unit is close to the deductible amount, it may not benefit you to file a claim. Always take photos of any damage sustained.

The process for submitting a claim to your insurance company is easy, but can take a long time. Don’t waste any time.

If you need to make sure that you have the most beautiful and serene surroundings to live in, you should make sure to create a house design with the help of accessories and ambient designs. There are a lot of things that you can do to make sure that you get to live in the most stylish and viable interiors. While some design ideas could take some planning and time to implement, others can be implemented easily and within a good budget. You should however, make sure that you choose the ideas that appeal to you the most.

One of the things that you can choose to do in creating a peaceful atmosphere in your house is to pick different types of lights. Interior designers will agree that while you can create a visual appeal by picking different kinds of pendant, wall and ceiling lights, you can also create a play of light with them. The illuminators that you choose to use for the lights can be in different shades to be able to create the most diverse setting for different moods. Light works wonders for your interiors and you can do a lot to differentiate areas and zones with the help of lights.

Another factor of house interior design that you can use for your space is accessorizing. Right from paintings, murals and sculptures to the use of exquisite crockery, you can try it all to get a unique look. If you seek to add simple yet functional pieces of design, you can choose to use things like wall clocks that belong to a set of design themes. You can also make use of things such as table and wall runners or candles and candle stands to be able to add graceful elements to the décor of your house.

Finally, you can make use of things like paints and wallpapers to be able to set a certain tone for the residential interior design. All you need to do is to make sure that you pick the right shades. If you are looking for a rustic look, you can choose earthy shades. For a modern look it is advisable to opt for bright shades in combination with black and white. If you are looking for a quicker turnaround time, you can opt for wallpaper on certain surfaces or the use of stickers and stencil art. Once you start working on the design, you will realise that you do not have to bring down the skies to make substantial décor changes.


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