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TeliApp Launches Wanna Hang

TeliApp, the developers that build mobile applications with an emphasis on enhanced social interaction, has launched Wanna Hang, the first mobile app that truly enables iPhone and Android users to meet new people effortlessly without disturbance or interruption, and without breaking a sweat. Wanna Hang is free to download and free to use.

“Often times we want to introduce ourselves to people who we see, but for one reason or another, we end up not making the introduction.” explains Weiss, CEO of TeliApp. “Perhaps the person we want to approach is surrounded by other people, in a casual or business setting with a group of other people and we just can’t figure out a way to introduce ourselves without it coming across as rude or inappropriate. Or, perhaps we’re just too shy and can’t work up the nerve at taking the risk of public humiliation if we get rejected.” WithWanna Hang, these issues are completely resolved. “You simply open up the app, go to the Who’s Near page, and immediately see others that are near to you. If you can see them in real life, you’ll be able to see them in the app. A few clicks on Wanna Hang and you’ve silently and discretely introduced yourself to the person you’re interested in. Problem. Solved.”

Many geo-social apps these days are meant for meaningless sexual encounters, are based on a ‘hot or not’ format, are meant for group chat sessions or require registration through Facebook. While the success of hookup apps is clearly geared toward a growing trend, the other, more pervasive target audience has been entirely ignored. Wanna Hang is targeted toward people who simply want to introduce themselves without disturbance and without dealing with public humiliation or rejection. And although geo-social apps that require registration through Facebook promise that they will never post anything to their Facebook profile or feed, many people simply don’t want to rely on this promise. “Companies are run by people. People make mistakes. Why take the risk?” asks Weiss.

Using Wanna Hang is simple and efficient. “Wanna Hang enables users to see other users who are within eyesight range. If you can see the person in real life, you can see them in Wanna Hang.” says Weiss. “Wanna Hang doesn’t require you to register through Facebook and it’s not based on any type of theme that rates people based on looks. It’s pretty simple. Let’s say I’m at a Starbucks and I want to approach a girl I see, but she’s with her friends, or maybe she’s in a study group. I want to go over to her, but I can see that she’s pretty busy, and I don’t feel like becoming the live entertainment for the entire Starbucks viewing audience. I whip out Wanna Hang, and I can now see the girl’s profile photo and screen name in Wanna Hang. I send her an invitation to connect through Wanna Hang and go about my day. Later, when she sees the push notification that I invited her to connect, she’ll either accept or reject. If she chooses to connect, I’ll see a push notification and I can now see her shared contact information and I can chat with her through the app.”

The idea came to Weiss in 2010 when he witnessed a high school boy trying to approach a girl in aStarbucks for the first time. “She was studying with a bunch of her friends, and his friends were messing with him, making kissing noises. Even if he had walked up to her, they would have acted so ridiculous that he would have embarrassed himself in the process. I thought to myself, ‘wouldn’t it be great if there was a way to introduce yourself to people without having to actually walk over and interrupt what they’re doing?’” The best apps have the “wouldn’t it be great if factor” explains Weiss. “It doesn’t matter where I am, if I hear someone say those magic words or if I find myself thinking them, I drop everything I’m doing and pay attention. Then I think, ‘ok, is this idea good for most people, most of the time?’ and if the answer is yes, I bring it to my team and we brainstorm how to turn the idea in to a meaningful and effective app.” TeliApp hopes that Wanna Hang will fill an enormous missing void in today’s singles scene in all age groups.

About TeliApp

TeliApp’s mission is to revolutionize the mobile application universe by producing innovative, intuitive and useful applications for mobile devices. By engineering and marketing proprietary technology accessible through the popular mobile devices, TeliApp enables consumers to take advantage of high quality apps with a focus on enhanced social interaction. Based in Edison NJ, TeliApp’s team is experienced in mobile and enterprise solutions for all the popular mobile platforms including iOS, Android, Windows and Blackberry. TeliApp offers custom enterprise and private label mobile application development services to businesses and institutions. TeliApp is also a United States government contractor.

For more information on TeliApp, visit

Contact & Legal

For public relations and media inquiries please contact Shira Hirschman, VP of Public Relations at 1.917.387.7828 or by email.

TeliApp™ and ™ Wanna Hang™ are trademarks of TeliApp Corporation.

Facebook™ and Starbucks™ are trademarked by their respective businesses. No relationship between

Facebook and/or Starbucks and/or TeliApp is implied.

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